No Hammock Swinging Today...

You won't find me swinging in that there hammock today...
too much to do.

Excuse me while I get these boots on...

Just look at the photo and you'll see why I need boots...
it's a jungle out there and plenty bush to tramp through.
So, anytime I go do some crop picking...
I put on long jeans, boots, apron with pockets (a must have)...
pair of scissors, knife (better still, a machete)...
and - well, you get the picture.

Okay, Foxie girl...
almost ready...

With dogs at my heels, we make our first stop at the pepper "store".
Have we got peppers.
Our pepper bushes are loaded with them.
Good thing they sell well with our clients.

Shadow boy is taking in the cottage view from the pepper patch.

Taking just a handful of peppers for the menu today...
these peppers are called "seasoning peppers" here on our island.
They come in sweet and hot flavors.
We like the sweet, because I use them like candy in our dishes.

are you laughing at me in my boots?

Alright, cut it out and let's head over to the corn patch...
I'd like to roast a couple ears of corn for lunch.

I take the small ears of corn and leave the larger ones for our clients.
And, as we meander through the corn stalks...
I can't help myself...
I take photos of the pretty weeds.

Leave it to the Lord to make even the weeds look pretty
and all dressed up in their lovely flowers.
My God is the Artist of all artists.
Our honey bees sure do like them...
with the recent honey harvest, we now know what these pretty flowers taste like...kinda. 

And there, is the reason for my apron with pockets...
which now also carries some lemongrass for tea.

I stopped by one of the citrus plants...
doggone it if I gone and forgotten which citrus...
my hubby will know.
He never forgets what he planted.
Did you know you can use citrus leaves for tea?
Nice flavor.
Then, I stop to check on my new seedlings...
that one you see in front is cotton...
first time I'm trying my hand at growing cotton...
no idea how it will come out...
we shall see; well...unless the Lord returns.

We've been harvesting plantains and what we keep for ourselves...
we hang underneath the cottage veranda.
We like them green or ripened.
I will have to show you how to make patacones with the green ones.
Better than chips. 

Ah yes...
time for that roasted corn.

Now, tell me...
have you seen prettier corn than this?
Just look at those kernnels!
I sure wouldn't mind looking that purty.
And, it's all grown under the big "O"...
as in organic...
no chemicals...nada chemicals.

We simply roast them on top of the burner...
and no...
I have yet to taste any gas on the corn.

The grill helps sit the ear high enough above the flame.
And, those peppers we picked...?
They will go into the crockpot with a t-bone steak...
along with fresh ginger.

May your day be lovely and full of God's grace.
All bounties and good things come from the Lord.