"Would you like to swing on a star...
carry moonbeams home in a jar?"
Know that song sung by Bing Crosby?
Well, while we can't swing on a star...
we can swing from a starfruit tree.
Have you ever had a starfruit?
Sometimes, they are called "five-fingers" or...
we can swing from a starfruit tree.
Have you ever had a starfruit?
Sometimes, they are called "five-fingers" or...
The starfruit grows from a tiny, pretty flower no bigger than a little finger.
It grows usually in bunches, in the shape of a five point star.
You see what I mean?
But, there is something about the name "carambola" that rolls off the tongue so nice.
It is a beautiful green color that camaflouges against the leaves of the tree.
When it is yellow and as large as a fist...
the fruit is ready to harvest.
We have both the sour and the sweet varieties on our farm.
We eat the sweet right off the tree...
When it is yellow and as large as a fist...
the fruit is ready to harvest.
We have both the sour and the sweet varieties on our farm.
We eat the sweet right off the tree...
and make juice with the sour...
sweetening the juice with honey from our own bee hives.
sweetening the juice with honey from our own bee hives.
The taste of starfruit juice is a bit like...
oranges, pineapples, and pears all brought together.
A beautiful golden yellow color.
Almost too pretty to drink.
May your day, or night be golden yellow.