we made a deal with the bees
getting the smoker ready to keep those little sweet bees calm
we made a deal with the bees
getting the smoker ready to keep those little sweet bees calm
taking off the protective tin roof and the top super off
more smokin' those little bees to show our persistence in gathering the honey
after all...
they aren't likely to volunteer the honey
taking one frame at a time and scraping the caps off...
although, we would rather harvest before the cones are capped by the bees
but, they worked faster than expected...
and the trays were FULL of golden honey!
that's me on the right...
not helping much...
but, I got to hold the lid - most of the times...
and take the photos
and my Honey husband did the fun part of hand cranking the honey from their combs
he deserves the fun part...
because he gets to stick his hands into the bees
and they let him know with several stings he was stealing their hard work
my Honey husband knows how to take them in stride...
and doesn't let them bully him into backing out of the harvest
bucket filling of something yummy...
done right under the cocoa trees in the farm bush
we get to keep some of the combs filled with the fragrant, golden honey...
to eat as candy...
only not too much at one time
oh yes - better than candy...
full of nutrition as well as the sweetness of flower nectar
we left the bees enough honey for them...
after all...
it's only fair, you know?
I think we both got a sweet deal all the way around
and the nuke on the right is the recovering hive after the wax moth invaded it...
it's doing well and busy with bees and queen...
and over time, we'll start adding more boxes to it
the fruit of the bees and of my brave Honey husband's labors...
waiting to be strained and settled for bottling
all 44 pounds from just 16 frames...
all the glory and credit to the Lord
after all...
it was His idea in the first place
don't forget to enter the Pilgrim's Farm raw honey giveaway...
just by leaving a comment with a name, if you haven't done so already...
so I know to put your name in the drawing bag
it doesn't need to be about honey...
and you can leave a comment on any of this week's posts
please do...
have yourself another butterfly...
May the Lord sweeten your day, or night with His grace...
more sweet than honeycombs