Ode to Gurdie...

When Gurdie and Murdle came to our farm...
I couldn't help feeling distress over the treatment of hens on a commercial egg farm

it isn't a good life for commercial chickens and I would love to see more people...
choose to buy their eggs and meat from farmers who are small...
and treat their chickens with more care

large commercial animal farms are not a good place for any animal...
they reek of feces and illness and overcrowding...
poor nutrition, forced to eat what is against their nature...
chemically forced to grow and produce unnaturally
often poorly handled and mistreated by the workers
this is no way to glorify the Lord who created all things for His glory and our benefit

I realize there will be some who mock those that love their animals...
they don't bother me
although animals were given into our hands to care for and use to our benefit...
we also tend to see them in a tender light which brings to mind...
2 Samuel 12 in which Nathan, the prophet sent by the Lord...
 told a story to David of the poor man and his little lamb
Nathan told the story to bring David to a realization of his sin with Bathsheba against the Lord
you can read about it here

and if the tiny sparrow does not fall to the ground without the Father ...
it stands to reason, He also has His purpose in the death of our animal
Jesus Christ speaks of these things to illustrate how much more He loves His people
Luke 12

my husband brought home these two little hens, who were already...
nearing the end of their egg laying days
and I was glad to give them a home where they roam free...
eat what God created their digestive systems to eat
Gurdie had a good life for the remainder of her time
we had her for only 4 short months

Gurdie died in the afternoon of July 3...
we tried to save her and make her well but, she closed her eyes and left us
on this island, we are on our own in treating sick chickens

Gurdie grew on me
here's to Gurdie...the little red hen who could me laugh

May your day or night be blessed in God's grace.