Tiny Surprise...

Over the weekend...
we took the dogs to the beach in the early morning

and taking advantage of the heat of the sunshine...
I made some sun tea of grated fresh ginger and black tea leaves

putting the jar out on the stair deck to catch those delicious sun rays...
by the end of the day, we had a big jar of tea and saved a bit on cooking gas

and the tiny surprise?

she's looking at you
I thought this egg was turning out to be a dud...
and was biding my time till mama would get up for a break...
when I would take the egg and throw it out
it was after all, overdue by 3 days...
and mama had sat long enough

I'm glad I waited

from now on, I will keep my patience, just in case

which keeps me in mind...

For we are saved by hope:
but hope that is seen is not hope:
for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
But if we hope for that we see not,
then do we with patience wait for it.
Romans 8:24, 25

May your day or night be filled with the hope of God's grace.