Pomona's Universal Pectin...
is my friend
Without it, I wouldn't be very good at jamming...
so, this past week-end, I gave nutmeg jam a try...
a first time with nutmeg for me.
Our island makes a good nutmeg jam but, it's a bit too sweet for me
The items above are the only ones used in my "recipe"...
and, surprisingly, it came out all right.
But, I know it could be better.
This recipe "tutorial" is a mini...for one small jar...
meaning, I used small amounts of the products to show how I made the jam - I made the calcium liquid from the Pomona's packet before starting the jam.
In a later post, I hope to have a better tutorial on it...
we'll just call this one a "sampling"
For one small jar, I used two nutmeg coverings of the mace...
it is the red lacy part you see on the outside of the shell.
Brake those into small pieces...
and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, grated fine...
1/2 teaspoon of lemon or tangerine zest (optional)...
1/2 cup raw sugar or honey (you can use any amount or any kind of sugar with Pomona's)...
And, of course, Pomona's Pectin.
With the juice of one lemon, lime, or tangerine...
bring to a boil, then simmer for about 10 minutes.
This brings out the flavoring and helps get rid of the bitterness
Put the nutmeg juice through a fine mesh sieve...
and put the juice back in the pot - discard what didn't go through.
The juice should look something like below.
Put 1 teaspoon of the calcium (already prepared) in with the juice...
and put the zest in if using.
Mix 1 teaspoon of Pomona's pectin powder with the sugar or sweetener.
Mix them well together...set to the side.
Bring to boil the juice and calcium...
then add the sugar/pectin mix and stir until dissolved.
Bring to boil one more time...
then take it off the heat and let it cool completely.
You can then follow jarring directions if you are planning on storing for long term.
Because we use jam up too fast to bother jarring for long term...
I just put my homemade jam in the fridge.
May your day, or night be sweeter than jam.