Basil Beginning...

Our honey bees come around the basil herb plants...
when they are blooming with tiny flowers

So, with only 3 basil plants in the ground...
it's time to start another one.
You don't need a seed to start a basil plant...
but, a cutting from a healthy one will do just as well.
Cut the twig at a slant...
stick in some water...
and watch how it takes root in about a week to two.

Once it has a nice little bunch of roots...
plant it in some good soil anywhere there is more shade than sun.

Do you ever get the feeling you're being followed?
my one follower is at the corner of the house above...
the other, is under my feet for her picture

I find that my basil plants like the east side of the house and a good watering every other day.
Before you know it...
you've got a good size bush that should flower like crazy.
Good to look at, smell, and use in culinary dishes...
best raw,
packed with health benefits...
anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic
I steep it with lemongrass in green or black tea and it is good!
The honey bees will love you for your basil.

May your day, or night be flavored with God's grace.