I Didn't Know...

When my husband called me over into the garden...
there was a beautiful surprise that gave me an education

this is our third pineapple on the farm coming up out of the stalk...
but, what I didn't know...
was that the baby pineapple BLOSSOMS!!
and pineapple plants are bromeliads

I haven't grown pineapples before...
so, it's a good excuse for not understanding how pineapples grow...
I think

the flowers are a gorgeous pinkish purple color...
the honey bees certainly like them

and as the blossoms fall off eventually...

they give way to the sectional parts of the skin called the "eyes"...
which are actually lots of tiny fruits fusing together

and if you look at the bottom of the fruit...
you will see the suckers coming up

those will be re-planted to grow more pineapples...
after the pineapple is ready to harvest

did you know?

May the Lord show grace to you this day, or night.