
sometimes is used to explain an emotion of how we feel when...
we see something that influences motivation or creativity...
and want to do something with or along the lines of that inspiring influence

the morning started after Big Red, the rooster, crowed me out of bed 

and while the cow waited patiently for someone to come tend to her...

and as some of the chickens gathered for a meeting...

while a mama hen took her puffball to breakfast in the compost...

and still others kept company together to digest their morning meal...

the doves waited expectantly for a handful of rice to be thrown their way...

and with camera in hand...
I took a turn into the garden

finding these roses...
evoked a bit of inspiration

filling a small jar with rose petals...

and setting the jar and a rose with falling petals among my mustard greens...

I took a few pictures just because the greens and pinks appeal to me

some I took against the backdrop of my turquoise painted cottage...

and some against the blue color of the cooking gas tank

the deep pink of another rose pops against the eye-catching blue

I sprinkled rose petals among my new mustard green seedlings

and used the settings on my camera of auto, retro and elegant

funny how different settings can give a slightly different perspective on colors

the early morning light wasn't the best for photo shooting...
but, I didn't much care...
it was mostly for the enjoyment of God's lovely creations

I offered Shadow a rose...
he wasn't interested and turned his head just as I clicked the button

I offered the rose to Foxie...
she looked at me rather dubiously

then, with an "okay, just to make you happy"...
she took a quick sniff

the rose and petals now sit on the veranda

while we humans are inspired by emotion...
God in His wisdom...
gave inspiration to certain men long ago to write down the words...
that He breathed into them...
so that we could hear of Him and come to know Him

while many reject the word of God, the Bible...
and will not believe it is His inspired word...

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, 
and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, 
for instruction in righteousness:
that the man of God may be perfect,
throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16

May God grace your day, or night with His blessings.