Some Moments in the Garden...

Seedlings are growing...
and, I can't wait to transplant them into the garden

my grey zucchini is flowering...
and, I'm afraid I'm a little premature in my excitement over them

it still remains to be seen as to whether they will stay on the vines

the swiss chard did fine last year...
so, I am eagerly waiting to transplant those seedlings again this year

the white muessenda bush has more flowers than ever...
I just may see more white than green on this one

we could use a little more of something other than green
but, don't get me wrong...
I do love green

the flycatcher and his Mrs are still feeding their young ones

and I have noticed the young ones peeping out of their nest box...
always hungry

soon, very soon, they will be leaving the nest

and the roses!
they just keep coming out and blooming

so, let me leave you with another deep pink rose

I love the frilly petals

and the people of God can say with joy...

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers:
the snare is broken, 
and we are escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124:7,8

May your day, or night be graced by the Lord.