Homesteading Steadily On...

Since our french cashew trees decided to bear their fruit...
in spite of a dry season that has now passed on with the advent of the rains...

it behooved me to pick what I could reach...

just so what ever fruit I could reach wouldn't go to waste like...

all the french cashews that were falling to the ground on their own
too many on their own

I managed to get a bucket full...
and although they are smaller than they would be normally...
they tasted just as good

carrots in the garden have also been calling out for a picking now and then...
and I like carrots for snacking on; not just for meals

of course, in all my picking endeavors...

there are the perpetual company of little birds...
although this couple, the female above and male below...
were too busy preening their pretty feathers to care what I was up to
they were constantly moving and hard to focus the camera on; ah well...
maybe next time

there may be some homestead news in the not-too-distant future, the Lord willing

for the moment...

you can look and wonder...

till the "go-ahead, it's okay to tell" signal comes on...
and I can then take you on a journey, the Lord willing

in the meantime, every fruit tree on this project homestead stays up...
that is the privilege of being a food plant

and truly...

May your day or night find blessing in the grace of God.

The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich,
and He addeth no sorrow with it.
Proverb 10:22