The other morning, I went to the coop and took down one of my hens from the roost
she had been sick for the last 3 days with something I could not figure out
she was a layer hen and we bought her at one of the agriculture stores in town
first time and last time I would do that
(I'll post on the whys of that another time)
these hens are not bred to last very long
I much prefer the local "mut" chickens that run around free
I have not had any local chicken get sick on me...
and they are hardy and smart
we keep chickens mainly for eggs...
and one of my local hens that we've had for a few years now...
still lays eggs
this little hen did not respond to medication...
but she wanted to be with her close-knit siblings...
so I let her sleep one more time in the coop with them
when I went into the coop to check on her the next morning...
she was trying to support herself on the roost with one wing on the post
I took her gently in my arms and cradled her
I wanted her to feel safe and secure, knowing she was dying
within two minutes, she peacefully and quietly passed away
she was buried down the hill below the cottage
and I got to thinking about how safe and secure the child of God is
in a world full of sorrows and wickedness...
how beautiful it is to know that I am safely cradled in the arms of my Saviour
The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed
and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom.
To Him be the glory forever and ever.
2 Timothy 4:18