Whenever I see the signs of a corn loving creature...
trying out my corn ears to see if they are ready...
then, I know it's time for action
I don't have any personal vendettas against rats...
but, this corn was grown for my consumption
with that in mind and after some pondering on how to discourage the field creatures...
I took off the bottom leaves of the corn stalks...
and wrapped foil around the bottom
I figure if cats and dogs don't care to touch foil...
perhaps it will work with rats...
something about the feel and sound of aluminum foil...
which I quite understand
I checked this morning on the corn...
so far, so good
and while hopefully the rats have been foiled in their attempt to feast on my corn...
the little lizard fellow on my corn is quite welcomed
isn't he wonderful?
how God painted him with pretty colors and tiny delicate markings
he keeps the grubs and other buggies out of my ears...
corn ears, that is
May the Lord grace your day, or night with His blessings.