Morning Breakfast...

Before breakfast...
I took a turn around the gardens

the white ginger lilly plants are growing alongside the water tank...
and blooming very prettily with a heavenly scent the breeze carries through the yard
if only you could smell them!

the ginger lily will give some covering to the tank...
making it a little more obscure

the "volunteer" cucumber plant in my tomato patch is creeping along the fence

my husband put up a trellis above the garden for the vine to climb...
and eventually, the vine will hang from the top rather than along the ground

it will help keep the cucumbers off the dirt and we'll pick them nice and clean

here's hoping for lots of cukes to eat

my husband made breakfast...
he is good at making salt fish cakes and salt fish souse...
and we had boiled green bananas and sweet avocado with them

we don't care for the riches of the world...
the Lord has given us food and raiment and a little home to live in

and even better, He blessed us with life eternal beyond this earthly life...
what more do we need? 

Two things have I required of thee:
deny me them not before I die:

Remove far from me vanity and lies:
give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with food convenient for me:

Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say,
Who is the Lord?
 or lest I be poor, and steal,
and take the name of my God in vain.
Proverbs 30:7-9

May your day or night be fed with the food of God's grace.