To Clabber (or, Not to Clobber) Raw Milk

This little bull calf only 3 weeks old...
is taking his very full share of his mama's milk

that's okay...
we know he is growing at a very quick pace...
and all that yummy, creamy milk is giving him all the energy he needs...
to run up and down the hills on Pilgrim's Farm

but, we still get some of that milk and I couldn't be happier with the wonderful taste...
that comes from all those green leaves, grass, bananas, sweet potatoes, plantains...
and a few more that my husband feeds Ms. Ruthie Moo Moo with

the cream in this raw milk is simply delicious

so, what else can I do except to clabber milk for sour cream

we drink our milk raw without fear
because we know that it is a healthy alternative...
to chemically treated, pasteurized, homogenized, industrial farmed milk
we much prefer our milk animals to be fed on pasture and kept healthy...
on what is natural to them and without the use of hormones and antibiotics 

did you know that the fat in raw milk will not cleave to the arterial walls...
as the unnaturally homogenized milk fat does? 

did you also know that the so called "whole milk" on store shelves...
is not really whole?
the factory farms sneak out quite a bit of the cream in the milk...
leaving just enough in to fool people...
and then the shopper gets double whammied in their pocket books...
when they buy the butter made from the cream that was sold on the sly...
that should have been in the "whole milk" they think they are buying

so while raw milk naysayers are clobbering good, drinkable, clean milk...
I will take my cow's and goats' raw milk and clabber them into...
fermented food that is good for the body

I simply put whatever amount of raw milk into a jar...
cover the opening with a paper towel (or muslin cloth)...
put a rubber band around it to keep it in place...
set it somewhere out of the way...

and then the milk starts to slowly sour as the cream rises...
and once a day, I shake the jar (with the jar lid on) to get the good bacteria...
equally distributed throughout the milk

and in 2 to 4 days, I will have sour cream that tastes better than store bought...
and the animals love the whey left behind by the fermenting cream
no need to do anything else to get natural sour cream

the whey can be used in baking if you prefer to keep it...
or you could just drink it yourself

and every couple of days, I just keep putting up a new jar of raw milk...
to clabber more sour cream for our kitchen and table use
it can be kept out if the temperature is cool...
or in the fridge in summer

by the way, pasteurized milk cannot be clabbered...
it will only putrify

there are lots of uses for clabbered raw milk and you can look it up easy enough on the web
here is a good food blog that I like with a post on clabbering raw milk

and there you have it...
clabbered milk aka sour cream with the clearer whey on the bottom

the short video below is a very interesting perspective on raw milk from a dairy farmer

when the Lord visited Abraham in Genesis 18...

Abraham ran unto the herd,
and fetched a calf tender and good,
and gave it unto a young man;
and he hasted to dress it.
And he took butter, and milk,
and the calf which he had dressed,
and set it before them;
and he stood by them under the tree,
and they did eat.

May your day or night be blessed in the clean milk of the Lord's grace.