Cow Language...

Until now,
I never really thought about cows having their own language...
a moo here, a moo there, was the gist of it for me

Ms. Ruthie Moo-Moo, during a bellow

Now that we have our own cow...
 and have neighbors who also have cows...
I can hardly help but hear the language of cows

Ms Ruthie Moo-Moo, uh...yeah, she likes to keep her nose clean

I didn't think our cow would ever make a moo sound...
(so sweet and quiet, she was)
until, she grew up into a beautiful young lady cow

She woke me up one night with not a demure "moo"...
but, a bellow
it didn't sound very lady-like to me...
in fact, I thought she was in great trouble until...
I was better informed on the meaning of the bellow

but, I guarantee you...
it sounded very lady-like to the boy cow...
okay, bull, down the road...
and you can bet he gave back an answer that rang out across the valley

she bellowed all night long...
right near to our cottage
he bellowed back, throwing the wild sounds across the valley...
over the river...
and through the woods...

Ms. Ruthie Moo-Moo, enjoying a cucumber...showing off her tongue

At eighteen months of age...
and doing some needed research on the subject...
we have decided to wait a few more months before...
boy meets girl

Ms. Ruthie Moo-Moo, looking more like a princess cow

Ah yes...
the joys of cow keeping

May your day, or night be free of bellows.