A Little is Enough...

When my husband and I downsized to almost bare essentials...
I kept a few things to keep the cottage from looking too bare

after all, I do like my home to be a little cozy...
and I do like pretty things to see when inside the cottage

on our cottage veranda...
we have a small bookcase that houses some favorite books...
like my Jane Austin novels and Little House on the Prairie series

the top of the bookcase is my good excuse for keeping a vase of flowers...
a couple of old books and a nest that once kept a tiny bird that fledged

because I share the cottage with my husband...
frills are not overdone...
but, I love to see a pretty lace covering on the top

my roses are blooming again...
and the pale pink looks awful nice with the color of the terracotta vase

I love colors but...
when it comes to my cottage interior...

the neutrals and the creamy whites with just a splash of green or blue...

do the trick for me

never taking my eyesight for granted...
I thank my God for giving me the blessing of seeing the beautiful things in the world...
such as His nature from the garden

May your day, or night be blessed in God's grace.