Got Zinnias, Lemons, and Such...

Thanks to David...
I've got Zinnias
they didn't take long to grow from the seeds...
and they are deliciously pretty

they've been blooming as of a few days ago

and I got caught in the sprinkles of rain as my camera snapped shots

lemon tree, oh how pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet
but the fruit of the lemon is possible to eat

and yes, we do have much lemons on our trees
I do not know the true name of these lemons but...
they may be the Bush lemons that are native to Australia
or maybe, the Ponderosa lemons
it seems to me, they are often called, "caribbean" or "west indian" lemons

in any case...
the juice is not so very tart...
and I love to freeze the juice in freezer bags...
as well as zest the rind and freeze for times when the trees aren't bearing

the Moringa trees are crying out for a good downsizing

they have not only grown above 20 feet...

but, their trunks are now several inches in diameter

the Moringa trees are also in full bloom and the birds are loving these trees
these trees are one of my favorites for simply...
picking the leaves and flowers for munching on and making tea
research has shown the Moringa plant to be one of the most nutritious
so, as long as the Lord gives these trees on our homestead...
I will take advantage of their light peppery taste for some needed vitamins and minerals

and after all...
it gives me a good excuse to come out in the mornings and say...
"hello, little finch...
please sing me a pretty song"

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things.
Philippians 4:7-9

May your day or night find praise in the grace of God.