The Kitchen Zone

The kitchen seems to occupy a large amount of my time lately

we've had a couple of pumpkins that were ready for the picking...
and I made some pureed pumpkin to keep stored for use in soup thickening...
coffee flavoring and baking
I do not can the puree...
it is frozen or kept in the fridge if it will be used in the next week

I merely cook the pumpkin till it's soft...
then puree it in a blender till smooth

great for baby food, too

I have been learning to make my own soda pop...
and I must say...
it is so good

store bought sodas are a detriment to good health and we refuse to drink it
it has been many years since we last had a taste of commercial soda pop
to tell the truth...
I cannot remember what coke or pepsi cola tastes like
and it doesn't matter because I know those drinks are not good for the body

so, we are making our own sodas
right now, I am working on ginger soda pop...
and I have already tasted it
commercial ginger pop has nothing on this homemade recipe

also, I have been busy working on sourdoughs of various kinds
one is wheat and rye for my husband
one is gluten free with brown rice and sorghum
and I am also trying for the first time oatmeal sourdough
I simply mix in a 1/4 cup of oatmeal flakes with water to get started

these all get fed once a day in the morning...
each a couple of spoons of their respective flour and whey or buttermilk

I find that using whey or buttermilk seems to help...
in developing cultures in the sourdough quicker and easier
I make sure and label them with the date to remember when they were started
and to make sure I know which one is the gluten sourdough
so far, they are coming along fine

clabbered milk continues to be made in this kitchen
it is a delicious treat of probiotics...
and the chickens do love it so, too

they never seem to get enough of it
I understand

I think it would be fun to make sorrel (aka roselle hibiscus) soda pop...
and hope to do that sometime
for now, juice is good enough

we had some ripe bananas that needed using...
so a cocoa banana cake was in order
that is a good one

in the month of November
I will be giving a few recipes
so my posts til the end of the year will be about recipes for the most part

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
1 Timothy 6:8

May your day or night find contentment in the grace of the Lord.