Just Part of a Farm & Cottage Day's Work...

I love having animals...
they make for a more interesting life...

While I hung the laundry...
this big guy here below (90 pounds of him)...

managed to jump a 5 foot gate to the short crop area...
in other words...
he's on the wrong side of the fence!
That's my Shadow...
always looking for something interesting to do...
but, trampling on the new short crops ought not to be one of them...
he changed his mind, though and hugged the fence to get back inside the cottage compound...
so, it wasn't hard to coax him back through.
As for my potager garden...

my design for it is finished...
and the guys will get to work on it shortly...
after they cut down the bamboo for the enclosement...
it's that 90 pound dog...
who seems to like digging and laying on newly turned soil.
I am determined my garden will stay nice and pretty...
with both dogs outside of it.
By the way...
that is sugar cane growing, if you look past your's truly in the photo above...
all part of growing as much of our own food as possible.

May your day, or night be a garden of God's grace.    Gardening