The sun in the morning and the moon at night...
only, this moon is in the early dawn of morning
This is what I saw from the window of my bedroom
and if you can see it...
there is a early island hopping plane that just took off...
and winging it's way beneath the moon
And during that time...
I opened the door to my chickens' coop and let my whole flock of 3 fowls...
take wing out onto their paradise of bugs and weeds
Yes, indeed...
we are now range-free!
These chicks now know their "new" home...
and they get their door opened every morning
They seem rather glad for that.
At dusk...
they march right back in without any coaxing or help from me,
fly up their perch and settle in for the night,
while I gently shut the door for their night safety
I think the only predator we have for chickens here is the hawk...
but, by now, our chickens have gotten too big even for them.
After hearing stories of mean roosters,
(which eventually into the cooking pot they made their way)
I can joyfully say,
for our calm and cool roo
As for the anise hyssop...
I have discovered...
that when I try too hard to make flowers happen...
it won't happen
but, if left to themselves...
they do better without my pampering
I took 3 small anise hyssop plants from seedlings,
threw them into this planter,
left them to themselves...
and they are flowering like there is no tomorrow.
The ones I planted in the ground have grown nicely...
but, no blooms
In any case...
I like the blooms that are in the pot
they have a licorice fragrance to them...
and the honey bees love them
This somehow brought to mind Psalm 62:11
God hath spoken once;
twice have I heard this;
that power belongeth unto God.
Ah...yes...indeed it does.
It makes me glad.
May your day, or night be wonder full of God's grace.