Growing Through the Rain...

High up in banana tree...
Mr. and Mrs. Mockingbird are now the proud parents of...

one little wee one

these bird photos can only be taken through a screened window...
hence the poor picture quality

with papa and mama carefully attending to their offspring...
baby is fast growing up

but boy! when I watch this tiny one lurch up to stretch it's wee wings...
my heart lurches with it...
and I hope every time this happens...
it stays put in the nest until those feathers are all in...

and while the wee one is waiting for it's next meal...

our newest pomegranate plant is hardly big enough to notice...
but, it's eagerly putting out some blooms

and while the new pomegranate plant is blooming...

the two Crepe Ginger my husband dug out from in the forest by the river...

have now grown quite wonderfully by the rock garden...

and putting out their blooms...

soon, we will see the white crepe paper-like petals jewel the garden with their breath-taking beauty

and while the Crepe Ginger blooms are slowly making their way out into the world...

our watermelon patch is creating much excitement for us...
because, watermelon fruit are growing beautifully...
after a few unsuccessful attempts on our part

and while the watermelons are growing...

our guava trees are giving us a harvest of guavas and still coming out with plenty more to come

while the guavas are growing...

the cherry trees are blooming and producing once again

while the cherries are growing...

the sugar apples are coming out in force...
with the promise of tasty, sweet, juicy pulp

and while the sugar apples are growing...

the pumpkins are ready to harvest...
with still more coming up in the pumpkin patch

and what do Murdle and Kittie have to say to all of this?

cluck, cluck

May your day, or night grow sweeter in the grace of the Lord.