When we heard about the Moringa plant a couple of years ago...
we ordered some seeds and managed to grow a few in pots
we gave a couple of them away to interested parties...
and transplanted the rest into the ground
the small finches love this tree...
and we love eating the leaves off and using the stems for tea brewing
the taste of the leaves is a bit peppery, but good
going out to the tree and snapping off a stem of leaves is my favorite way of eating it
you can click this link to wikipedia...
and you will get some info on it
there are more links to other sites at the bottom of the Moringa Wikipedia page
our French Cashew (aka Malay Apple) tree is flowering, once again...
and it looks like there will be more fruit than the first time it bore
ours were quite sweet...
so am looking forward to having these from off our own tree, again
the flowers are ever so pretty...
and I just love how so pink they are
my husband and our farmhand have been working hard...
getting up a roof over the stairs leading up to the main part of the cottage
it will be quite nice to go up and down without getting thoroughly...
drenched by rain when we need to go in and out for any reason...
while the raindrops are falling
then, there is the Noni fruit someone graciously let us have
she told us to put it in a tight covered jar...
let it seep the juices out for several weeks...
and during that time, it is actually fermenting
then, when the fruit has shriveled up and gone black...
the juice is ready to drink
we are giving it a try
if I can remember to do so...
I'll let you know how it tastes
right now, it still has a ways to go
when I contemplate the abundance of the foods the Lord God gives us...
it causes me to meditate on His promises to His people as shown in the scripture:
On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food,
a feast of well-aged wine,
of rich food full of marrow,
of aged wine well refined.
And He will swallow up on this mountain the covering that is cast over all peoples,
the veil that is spread over all nations.
He will swallow up death forever;
and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,
and the reproach of His people He will take away from all the earth,
for the Lord has spoken.
It will be said on that day,
"Behold, this is our God;
we have waited for Him,
that He might save us.
This is the Lord;
we have waited for Him;
let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation."
Isaiah 25:6-9
May your day and night find grace in the Lord.