A Glass of Sorrel...to You...

If you have no idea what sorrel is...
let me tell you a little about this delightful plant

it is a species of hibiscus (sabdariffa) also known as roselle

This is what the plant looks like...
it's a bush that grows gorgeous flowers that first start pink...
soft and silky to the feel;

and slowly, in the warm sunshine...

become these wonderful calyxes with a waxy look and feel...

with tiny soft, prickly spines on their crown

We harvest them at their peak...
cut out the inside seed from each fruit pod...
and put them out in the sun to dry for a week or more.
the seeds are saved for future crops

Once they are properly dried...
they look like this below.

We then heat a big pot of water...
pour over the sorrel fruit to steep overnight...
with some cloves and cinnamon sticks;

giving us this beautiful cranberry pink...
and tastes like something with cranberry, apple...
and a hint of cherry in it.

Our favorite way of sweetening it...
is with raw sugar cane juice, squeezed fresh.

I'd like to present a glass of sorrel to all my followers...
to all those who visit...
and to all those who leave comments.
If you do all three, here's a triple glass to you!
Thank you so much for your visits.

May your day, or night, be filled with sweetness of the Lord.