The Beauty of an Egg...

What color should a real egg be?

about as orange as a really organic, range-free egg can get

(I love my egg fried in butter!)

that is one orange egg!

in spite of the camera...
(and the photographer)
it actually caught the true color of these eggs

compare a range-free, organic egg with the store bought that come from those awful
inhumane chicken prisons they call farms...
and you get the picture

I'm talking here of true range-free
I am not talking of backyard chickens...
this is about the big commercial chicken factories

it's awful hard for me to call these "farms"
where are the cruelty laws on this??

these free-range eggs...
are chock full of nutrients...
and what researchers have finally figured out something egg eaters already knew...
eggs don't cause high cholesterol!

why should they?
this is a good, nutritious food given to us by God

as for egg allergies...
I wonder if the chicken egg prison factories are responsible for this by the very way they treat the chickens, "feed" them, and confine them in such a way as to cause the enormous stress and diseases among them

those constant stress hormones, the awful feed, and the filthy conditions these poor birds live in... 
can truly affect the health of the eggs we eat from the "conventional" chicken farming practices

and, I'm not afraid to say so

so, if you can...
find a local farmer who sells his range-free eggs...
see the difference in taste and quality of his eggs

you won't want to go back to the chicken prison eggs

and go ahead...
have two or three

May your day, or night go well.